+48 41 33 030 33

Sauna fińska

It is a traditionnal, wooden sauna with the temperature of 85°C to 100°C and low air humidity. Its therapeutic effect comprises, among others, circulation and respiratory system training, elimination of toxins from the body, skin cleansing, metabolism stimulation, increasing weigh loss and strengthening the immune system. The sauna treatment should consist of 3 cycles of alternate heating and cooling. Each cycle should take around 10-15 min. You should rest after the treatment for around 20-30 minutes and drink liquids. To maintain a good condition of the body, it is enough to use the Finnish sauna once a week; in justified cases you can use it twice or three times a week. Treatment recommendations - Finnish sauna, steam sauna and bio sauna metabolism disorders degenerative joint disease noninflammatory spine diseases post-traumatic disorders of the locomotor system chronic rheumatic diseases arterial hypertension, grade I and I/II (according to the WHO classification) proneness to infections and colds chronic bronchitis cold feet and palms neurovegetative disorders gynaecological diseases: menstrual disorders, problems associated with menopause, hormonal imbalance during puberty, chronic inflammation of the ovaries allergies biological regeneration furunculosis
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