Hydrotherapic treatment with a moving stream of water with a pressure of approximately 2.5-3.5 kPa and variable temperature. For 1-2 min. hot water at 40°C is used and then cold water at 20°C for 20-30 seconds. The cycle is repeated several times.
In addition to the thermal effect, Scottish douches have a strong mechanical effect and are a separate form of water massage that supports weight loss and fights cellulite. They also have a stabilizing effect on the autonomic nervous system, stimulate circulation, respiration and metabolism, and have a hardening effect on the body. Scottish douche can be performed on the whole body or part of it.
Treatment duration: 5 minutes, can be performed every day.
- Fatigue after intense muscle work,
- neuroses,
- Insomnia,
- Osteoarthritis of the joints and spine in the period of symptom remission
- Metabolic disorders: obesity, diabetes,
- Sciatica,
- Neuralgia and myalgia.